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Teachers Staff information needed for EMIS website

Teachers Staff information needed for EMIS website
2.Parent's Name
3.Aadhar Number

4.Gender Male
5.Date of Birth
6.Classes Taught
7.No.of working days spent on non-teaching assignments
8.English/Language(as per schedule VIII studied up to)
9.Appointed for Subject
10.Working in present school since(Year)

11.Total days of inservice training received in last academic year
12.Others Only for teachers teaching in elementary BRC CRC DIET
13.Main Subjects taught
13a.Subject 1
13b.Subject 2
14.Trained for teaching CWSN
15.PG Course
16.Social Category
17.Medium TAMIL
18.Type of Teacher
19.Nature of Appointment Regular

22.Maths/Science Studied up to
23.Social studies studied up to
24.Training Need 25.Type of Disability if any
26.Trained in use of computer and teaching through computer
27.Mobile Number
28.E-Mail I'd
29.Highest qualification
30.Present Place
31.Blood Group
33.UG Course


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