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BRC Training list of 2015-16

  • Strengthening Reading Writing skills in Tamil-2 days
  • Maths usage of SLM kit box and solving Mental Maths- 3 days
  • Physical Education Activities linked with CCE -1day
  • Discussion on children's achievement- 2 days (Both primary and Upper primary)
  • Remedial Activities for late bloomers danguages & Maths)-1day
  • Everyday science and simple Projects on CCE- 1day
  • Rich ment Training on CCE in SABL
  • Teaching of science through ALM (Experimental & Projects) -3 days
  • Teaching of Maths through ALM- 3 days
  • workshop on enriching reading and writing sals in Tamil-1 day
  • understanding History and map drawing skills- 1day
  • Enrichment Traning on ALM and Applying CCE in in ALM- 1 day
  • Remedial Activities for late bloomers dangu & Math -1day
  • Preparation for competitive and Talent search examination -1day
  • school sanitation -1 day (Both Primary and Upper primary. 

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