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7th CPC Estimated Pay Calculator

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Select your present Pay Band / Grade Pay
Present Pay in Pay Band effective from 1st July 2014 to 30th June 2015
Present HRA %
Present Transport Allowance

6CPC Pay in Pay Band as 1st January 2016 (including one increment)
6CPC Grade Pay

Your estimated 7th Pay Commission Pay and Allowances in Rs.
Estimated 7th CPC Pay Band as on 1st January 2016

Estimated 7th CPC Grade Pay as on 1st January 2016

Estimated 7th CPC Pay in Pay Band as on 1st January 2016

Estimated 7th CPC Basic Pay (Pay in pay band + Grade Pay)

HRA on 6th CPC Pay as on 1st Jan 2016

New estimated 7th CPC HRA as on 1st Jan 2016

6th CPC Transport Allowance as on 1st Jan 2016 with DA @ 128%

Estimated 7th CPC Transport Allowance as on 1st January 2016 + DA @ 0%

Estimated 7th CPC Total Pay inclusive of GP, HRA and TA

6CPC Pay with DA as on 1st Jan 2016 inclusive of GP, HRA and TA

Increase in Pay and allowances

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