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SPECIAL TET-2014 (Paper ll) MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE - Tentative Key Answers.


(PAPER-II-MS/SS)Booklet Series- A Tentative Key Answers PART-IVSECTION –A


61. B) Ag and Cu
62. A) Hepatitis B virus
63. C) Homo erectus
64. C) Thrombocytes
65. D) Golgi apparatus
66. B) 25% (18 carat gold:75% of Au+25% of alloys (12.5% of Ag and 12.5% of Cu))
67. A) –O-CH3
68. B) Phenol and Methanal(Formaldehyde-HCHO)
69. D) Cannot be hydrolysed
70. B) Primary>Secondary>Tertiary
71. A) Heat
72. C) Used to measure intensity of sound
73. D) Radian
74. B) Liquid in solid
75. C) 13
76. C) Constant
77. A) -40 (F=(0C X 1.8)+32)
78. C) Action of points
79. D) Angle of incidence is more than critical angle
80. B) Constant
81. B) 13 cm, 14 cm, 25 cm.
82. A) Incentre
83. B) 20 m
84. C) Rs.20,000
85. D) 45o
86. B) June 5th
87. C) Satements (i), (ii) and (iv) only are correct
88. C) Genes can be isolated
89. A) Tap root modification-Patato
90. B) ii i iv iii
91. C) Epinephrine
92. B) Bioclip
93. C) Catalase
94. A) Mitochondrion is the ‘power house of the cell’. It contains of matrix, grana andD.N.A.
95. D) Water
96. D) Rs.10,000
97. C) 30
98. D) 1%
99. C) 3 yrs
100.D) Rs. 600
101.A) 28 days
102.Not suitable option.
103.B) 154 cm2
104.A) 3024 m2
105.C) Two lines of symmetry
106.A) 99999951
107.C) 13 km
108.A) 60
109.D) 3/4
110.D) No Reciprocal
111.B) 4.
112.D) 121
114.B) 0.2
115.C) Isosceles right-angled triangle
116.D) The square root of every positive number which is not a perfect square is not an irrational number
117.C) Terminating
118.A) 4
119.B) Irrational number
120.C) 0.005

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