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துறை சார் தேர்வில் ஆசிரியர்கள் தேர்ந்தெடுக்க வேண்டிய தாள்கள்

இடைநிலை ஆசிரியர்கள்

1. 004 - Deputy Inspectors Test-First Paper
(Relating to Secondary and Special Schools) (without books)

2. 017 - Deputy Inspector’s Test--Second Paper
(Relating to Elementary Schools) (Without Books)

3. 119 - Deputy Inspector’s Test
Educational Statistics (With Books).

4 . 176 - Account Test for Subordinate Officers - Part I .
114 The Account Test for Executive Officers (With Books).

5 . 208 - The Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual Test
(Previously the District Office Manual--Two Parts) (With Books).

பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியர்கள்

1 . 176 - Account Test for Subordinate Officers - Part I .
114 The Account Test for Executive Officers (With Books).

2 . 208 - The Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual Test
(Previously the District Office Manual--Two Parts) (With Books).

முதுகலை பட்டதாரி ஆசிரியர்கள்

1 . 176 - Account Test for Subordinate Officers - Part I .
114 The Account Test for Executive Officers (With Books).

2 . 208 - The Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual Test
(Previously the District Office Manual--Two Parts) (With Books).

மாவட்டக்கல்வி அலுவலர்

1 . 176 - Account Test for Subordinate Officers - Part I .
114 The Account Test for Executive Officers (With Books).

2 . 208 - The Tamil Nadu Government Office Manual Test

(Previously the District Office Manual--Two Parts) (With Books).


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